Well, today the July issue of RUNWAY Magazine came out – gorgeous as always, visit the link on this site – with an article on FP101.  So now we wait to see if anyone is interested! I hope the word gets out, I’m really looking forward to seeing what some of our talented new designers do with this.

I’ll keep updating as new stuff comes to hand, and I’m hoping to have a Who’s Who Rogues Gallery up in the next couple of days.



Hi and welcome to the Second Life group designed to help, assist, promote, and support newbie fashion designers in-world.

We have mentors, we have a sim for Do It Yourself shows, and we’d love to give you hand on the way to becoming SL’s next Big Thing… or just to have a wow of a time making beautiful things for yourself and your friends.

Get in touch! We’d love to hear from you. And pass the word on…. it’s all about fun.

We’ve got a Flickr account – Join the FP101SL group to post your designs and your show photos – and just get in touch with M0lly if you have any questions at all!